
Hi, I’m Gloria.

I’m a highly sensitive, INFP, writer and transformational coach who’s struggled to find my place in the material-driven corporate and corporeal world.

In my earlier, younger days, I studied media production, 3d graphics & animation, and visual effects compositing.

I’ve worked on architectural visualisations, augmented reality and a few films. Plus a bunch of seemingly random temp/part-time admin and food service jobs to get by.

I spent much of life moving through cycles of feeling lost and not knowing what to do for work, to gradually discovering something of interest that I could care about enough to study and work at, to getting bored or disenchanted and losing interest once I got pretty proficient at a job, and feeling lost all over again to restart the cycle.

And that usually came with feeling like something was wrong with me since it didn’t seem like most poeple had that problem with work. All the while, feeling some vague, nebulous deeper sense of purpose but not being able to fully access what it was.

Since Covid, I’ve found it really difficult to care about or spend too much time around tech, even though I used to always have a knack and interest for it before.

The unseen, swirling global and cosmic energies of change as Covid unfolded, Black Lives Matter, wars and unrest, AI and more, affected me more deeply than it seemed most people around me. To most, besides covid, the other issues were halfway around the world, but I was somehow energetically affected anyway.

Though I eschew organised religion, I was always deeply spiritual from a young age.

In the years since (2021-2024), I’ve been on an extended healing and awakening journey. Coming to terms with and learning to much more deeply embrace the spiritual, psychic, intuitive, and physical parts of myself, while learning to integrate and embody this physical body and existence on earth that often felt so painfully strange and foreign to me.

I have since come to accept that I’m meant to join the ranks of the lightworkers and healers of the world, as a shadow worker, healing facilitator, and transformation coach.

I’m here to support other highly sensitive, intuitives, lightworkers and healers, and all who are called and willing to do the sacred inner work of healing for themselves and the greater collective good.

I’m now a certified Compassion Key Level 1 Practitioner, in the process of pursuing Master Practitioner level.

Compassion Key Level 1 Practitioner Cert.